
  1. 2024

    1. Adding custom runnable tasks to a Rust project
    2. Thoughts on Lexers
    3. Automate Tasks by Watching
    4. Insta - Snapshot Testing for Rust
    5. Rust Struct Field Order Matters for Drop
    6. AI Crawler Bots
    7. The Cost of Swift to Apple Platforms
    8. Rust and Linked Lists
    9. Siri, are you going to get better?
    10. Back to the Blog
  2. 2021

    1. Benefitting from Memory Ownership in APIs
    2. Serializing FFI Types using Protocol Buffers
  3. 2020

    1. Intention, Definitions, and Implementation
    2. Learning Metal Resources
    3. Programming the GPU
    4. What is Protocol Oriented Programming
    5. Accept Interfaces and Return Concrete Types
    6. Logging Rules
  4. 2019

    1. Standardized Features and Concepts in 1.0 of a Programming Language
    2. Technical Contacts for Service Relationships
    3. Synchronization
    4. Private Access Control is Not Needed
    5. Learning from Programming Languages
    6. Code Generation
    7. Correlation IDs
    8. Idempotency Header
    9. Infinite Loops
    10. Private First
    11. Composition versus Inheritance
    12. Multi-threading with Frameworks and Libraries
    13. Top 5 Apps
  5. 2018

    1. Modern Auto Layout Book
    2. Force Hugo to Rebuild a Resource
    3. The Go Programming Language Book
    4. Writing An Interpreter In Go Book
    5. Terraform Self Signed TLS
    6. Learning Vim script
    7. Switching to Hugo
    8. Uploading data with 1Password CLI
    9. Google Cloud and Terraform Setup
    10. WWDC 2018
    11. Terraform and Let's Encrypt on Google Cloud Platform
    12. Terminating Sidecar Containers in Kubernetes Job Specs
    13. Terraform Remote State
    14. Set Global Prefix Config for npm
  6. 2017

    1. YubiKey
  7. 2016

    1. WWDC 2016 Wishlist
    2. iOS Automate Build Version Number
    3. iOS Enterprise Distribution
  8. 2015

    1. Impressions of Packer
    2. Apple Watch First Impressions
    3. Rework Book
    4. Some Apps I Use
    5. Intro to Docker Machine
    6. Fettuccine "Carbonara" Poached Egg and Smoked Bacon
    7. RESTful Web APIs Book
    8. Magento 2 Dependency Injection
    9. RESTful Web Services Book
    10. Magento 2 Generated Code
    11. Hello World!